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Monday, March 24th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from YHZ." - Chris Myden


Chris Myden | Halifax Travel Deals Enthusiast Name: Chris Myden

Current Roles:

  • Founder and CEO of Ydeals Inc., a company dedicated to building innovative travel search technology.

  • Helping millions of Canadians spot and book truly amazing travel deals, while filtering out the noise of travel marketers.
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  • Running Canada's largest Facebook Groups for the discussion of travel.
    YHZ Deals Facebook Group

How I Ended Up Here

  • I've always had a passion for travel, and with a background in computer science, I started exploring ways to determine what were truly the most amazing deals available from my city.

  • I started sharing my deal finds with others, on my blogs and through social media (YHZ Deals Facebook Page and @YHZdeals on Twitter) and discovered that a large number of other Canadians enjoyed the posted deals, so I expanded it to other cities.

The Mission

  • I've always wanted to combine two of my favorite things, travel and technology, and build my own innovative search tools from scratch that would make it faster and easier to find the best travel deals, and alleviate all the frustrations I've encountered when searching for the best deal.

  • Ydeals Inc. was founded to help build these innovative search tools.

Join The YHZ Deals Facebook Group
    What happens when over 35,000 people     from Halifax...

    * crowdsource the best deals from YHZ?

    * offer up their amazing travel advice?

    Join the group and find out!

(click 'Join Group' when you arrive)